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(props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('24/19')};\n\n a {\n ${tw`font-serif italic underline`};\n }\n`;\n\nexport const SmParagraph = styled.p`\n ${tw`font-serif mb-48 text-base text-purple-300`};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('22/17')};\n`;\n\nexport const XsParagraph = styled.p`\n ${tw`font-sans mb-32 relative text-base text-purple-300`};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('22/17')};\n\n &:last-child {\n ${tw`mb-0`};\n }\n\n a {\n ${tw`font-serif italic underline`};\n }\n`;\n","import styled from 'styled-components';\nimport tw from 'tailwind.macro';\nimport { math } from 'polished';\n\nexport const UnorderedList = styled.ul`\n ${tw`font-sans list-disc mb-32 pl-32 text-base text-purple-300`};\n line-height: ${math('22/17')};\n\n a {\n ${tw`font-serif italic underline`};\n }\n`;\n","import React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\n\nimport Layout from '../components/Layout';\nimport SEO from '../components/Seo';\nimport { Column, Container, Row } from '../elements/Grid';\nimport { BaseTitle, LgTitle, SmTitle } from '../elements/Titles';\nimport { BaseParagraph, XsParagraph } from '../elements/Paragraphs';\nimport { UnorderedList } from '../elements/Lists';\n\nconst PrivacyPolicy = () => (\n \n \n \n \n \n Privacy Policy\n \n Last Updated Date\n \n \n This policy was last updated on December 24, 2019.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n \n \n \n 1. Introduction\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n We do our best to keep your personal information safe and secure.\n \n \n By using this site, you are consenting to our use of your personal\n information as set out in this privacy policy. It will change from\n time to time, so keep an eye on this page. We include the revision\n date on the header on the main page for your easy reference.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Welcome to the digital properties of Wise Publishing, Inc., which\n include the Internet sites and software applications that you access\n or download to view Content of Wise Publishing, Inc. (collectively\n \"Sites\" or each a \"Site\"). Unless a Wise Publishing, Inc. Site has\n its own Privacy Policy, the collection, use and disclosure of your\n Personal Information will be governed under the terms of this\n privacy policy (\"Privacy Policy\"). By using our Sites, you consent\n to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information\n under the terms of this Privacy Policy. We take your privacy very\n seriously and we are committed to safeguarding it. We take all\n reasonable steps to protect your privacy and your personal\n information. We do not accept any responsibility for unauthorized\n access, theft or loss of Personal Information beyond our reasonable\n control. Further, please note that communications over the Internet,\n such as emails, are not secure unless they are encrypted.\n \n \n We may change this policy without notice from time to time to\n reflect changes in legal or regulatory obligations. By visiting our\n Sites, you agree to accept the policy that is in effect at that\n time. Accordingly, you may wish to check this site from time to time\n \n \n If we make any changes that materially affect personal information\n which we have already collected, we will take reasonable steps to\n notify you.\n \n \n \n \n \n 2. Definitions\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n The definitions are here. If a term doesn't make sense, look here.\n The most important one is the definition of personal information —\n it's that information about an identifiable individual. It includes\n facts, when combined with other information, can identify an\n individual.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n The following words and expressions have the following meanings\n unless inconsistent with the context:\n \n \n \"Content\"\n \n \n means any media that can be rendered on a web page intended for\n consumption by an end-user, including, but not limited to articles,\n quizzes, polls, surveys, videos, pictures, audio and embeds;\n \n \n \"Cookies or LocalStorage\"\n \n \n means a small amount of data sent from the server which is then\n stored on your computer's internal storage. This policy uses the\n word Cookies to refer to both methods (Cookies and LocalStorage) of\n storing this information;\n \n \n \"Personal Information\"\n \n \n means information about an identifiable individual. Personal\n Information includes facts, which, when combined with other\n information, can identify an individual;\n \n \n \"PIPEDA\"\n \n \n \n Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, SC\n 2000\n \n , c. 5 (Canada), as amended from time to time;\n \n \n \"GDPR\"\n \n \n General Data Protection Regulation, (EU) 2016/679, as\n amended from time to time;\n \n \n \"we\", \"us\" or \"\n our\"\n \n \n Wise Publishing, Inc., a company duly incorporated under the laws of\n the province of Ontario;\n \n \n \"you\", \"your\"\n \n \n an individual, company or firm accessing our Site.\n \n \n \n \n \n 3. How and what we collect\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n We collect information from you; that you tell us directly; that\n your internet browser tells us (such as what operating system you\n are using); that your software tells us, (such as demographic\n information and your preferences and interests).\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n We collect Personal Information:\n from you directly, when you:\n \n
  • \n register, we collect your username, email address and password;\n
  • \n
  • use the site, your date of birth and geographic location;
  • \n
  • complete surveys and/or respond to offers
  • \n
  • contact us via email, mail or telephone.
  • \n
    \n from your internet browser:\n \n
  • \n type of device, browser and operating system version you use.\n
  • \n
    \n \n analytics software installed on our Site such as:\n \n \n
  • demographic information such as IP address;
  • \n
  • preferences and interests
  • \n
    \n \n We do not share Personal Information to third parties except to\n assist us with our internal business operations, as set out in\n paragraph 6.\n \n \n We do not ask you for, access or track any location-based\n information from your mobile device at any time.\n \n
    \n \n \n 4. What we do with the information we gather\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n What do we do with your information? It’s all business related; from\n record keeping and training to improving our products and services.\n \n \n We may sell your information collected by Cookies. It is not\n personal information and it is sold in an anonymized format only.\n There is a separate{' '}\n \n Cookies policy that you can access here\n \n .\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n We require this information to understand your needs and provide you\n with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:\n \n the information you provide directly:\n \n
  • internal record keeping;
  • \n
  • \n to respond to your general queries from time to time by mail,\n email or telephone;\n
  • \n
  • \n to periodically send promotional emails containing information\n which we think you may find interesting using the email address\n which you have provided;\n
  • \n
  • \n for our general marketing purposes unless you have notified us to\n the contrary; the information from gathered by Cookies (\n \n see here for full Cookies policy\n \n )\n
  • \n
  • to improve our products and services;
  • \n
  • to optimize the user interface and user experience;
  • \n
  • \n for security purposes to protect your Personal Information held\n and/or processed by us;\n
  • \n
  • \n for training our employees in respect of providing our services to\n you;\n
  • \n
  • \n to prevent, investigate or prosecute activity we think may be\n potentially illegal, unlawful or harmful; and,\n
  • \n
  • \n to enforce our Privacy Policy and/or our Terms of Use or any other\n purpose referenced herein or therein.\n
  • \n
    \n \n We do not sell your personally identifiable information. We may sell\n your information in an anonymized format. Your personally\n identifiable information will not be available in that format.\n \n
    \n \n \n \n 5. Who else gets to see your Personal Information?\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n Third parties help us analyze your information, but they are not\n allowed to share it.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n \n Third parties engaged to assist us in providing services to you.\n \n \n \n We may share Personal Information with third parties, including\n marketing companies engaged to assist us in providing and promoting\n services to you, or to carry out one or more of the purposes\n described in Section 4. These service providers are contractually\n prohibited from using your Personal Information for any purpose\n other than to provide this assistance and are contractually\n obligated to protect Personal Information collected by them on our\n behalf or disclosed to them by us and to comply with the general\n privacy principles described in this policy.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n We comply with court orders and laws that require us to disclose\n your personal information.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n \n If a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order\n legally requires or authorizes us to do so.\n \n \n \n We reserve the right to disclose Personal Information to a third\n party if a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order\n legally requires or authorizes us to do so and when we believe in\n good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights,\n protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or\n respond to a government request.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n If another company buys Wise Publishing, your personal information\n is part of what they buy.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n In the event of a proposed or actual acquisition.\n \n \n We reserve the right to disclose and/or transfer Personal\n Information to a third party in the event of a proposed or actual\n purchase, sale (including a liquidation, realization, foreclosure or\n repossession), lease, merger, amalgamation or any other type of\n acquisition, disposal, transfer, conveyance or financing of all or\n any portion of Wise Publishing, Inc. or of any of the business or\n assets or shares of Wise Publishing, Inc. or a division thereof in\n order for you to continue to receive the same products and services\n from the third party. In any of these events, you will be notified\n via email and/or a prominent notice on our Site of any change in\n ownership or uses of your Personal Information, as well as any\n choices you may have regarding your Personal Information.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n 6. Security, retention and storage of Personal Information\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n We take a lot of precautions to keep your personal information\n secure. Through training our employees, contractual provisions to\n protect your personal information with anyone we do business with,\n and technical security measures.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n We are committed to ensuring that your Personal Information is\n secure. In order to prevent loss, theft and unauthorized access,\n copying, use, modification or disclosure, we have put in place\n physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and help\n secure the Personal Information we collect. All of our employees and\n subcontractors with access to your Personal Information and/or who\n are associated with the processing of that data are contractually\n obliged to protect your Personal Information. Our safeguards include\n firewalls, encryption technology, password protected computers and\n detailed contracts with our employees and contractors.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n We keep your information for as long as necessary for the business\n purpose for which it was collected.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n We retain your Personal Information for as long as necessary to\n fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected and to comply with\n applicable laws. Your consent to such purposes(s) remains valid\n after termination of our relationship with you.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n Information may be processed and stored outside of the jurisdiction\n where you live.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n For the purposes set out in this policy, we or one of our affiliates\n or an unaffiliated service provider may process and store your\n Personal Information outside of the jurisdiction in which you\n reside, and under the laws of those other foreign jurisdictions, in\n certain circumstances courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory\n agencies or security authorities in those other foreign\n jurisdictions may be entitled to access your Personal Information.\n By providing us with your Personal Information, you are allowing\n your Personal Information to be transferred outside of Canada. For\n more information about our policies and practices related to the use\n of foreign service providers, please contact our Privacy Officer\n using a method described in Section 11, Contact Us.\n \n \n \n \n \n 7. GDPR\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n If you are a European citizen or within the European Economic Area,\n we have a special Cookie consent for you.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n For the purposes of the GDPR, if you are accessing our Sites from\n within the European Economic Area (\"EEA\") and/or\n you area citizen of the European Union (\"EU\"),\n please be aware that Wise Publishing, Inc. is a Canadian company,\n with its offices in Toronto, Ontario. Please also be aware that data\n centres hosting our cloud-based computing infrastructure may be\n located in the United States.\n \n \n Further, if we determine you are accessing our Sites from within the\n EEA and/or you are a citizen of the EU, we will ask you to consent\n to our use of Cookies when you first visit our Sites. If you choose\n not to consent, we will need to set a single Cookie to block\n interest-based advertisements and all portions of our Sites that\n legitimately require Cookies for functionality. Please note, if you\n clear Cookies from your browser, your opt-out will not be\n maintained.\n \n \n \n \n \n 8. CCPA\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n California residents can look here{' '}\n for additional information.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n If you are a resident of California, please access the{' '}\n CCPA Addendum here.\n \n \n \n \n \n 9. Links to other websites and advertisers\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n There are links to other websites on our Site, including links to\n advertisers. If you leave this Site via a link, it is the privacy\n policy of the site you are on, not this Site, that applies.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Our Sites may contain links to other websites of interest and to\n advertiser websites. Once you have used these links to leave our\n Sites, you should note that we do not have any control over that\n other website and the privacy practices of other websites. We cannot\n be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information\n which you provide while visiting such websites and such websites are\n not governed by this Privacy Policy. You should exercise caution and\n look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.\n \n \n \n \n \n 10. Controlling your Personal Information\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n You can get information about and control your personal information.\n See # 11 below about how to get in touch to make a request.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n You may choose to restrict the collection, use or disclosure of your\n Personal Information in the following ways:\n \n \n If you have previously agreed to us using your Personal Information,\n you may change your mind at any time by contacting us using a method\n described in Section 11. There may be some limits in our ability to\n delete certain information.\n \n \n If you wish to subscribe to our newsletter(s), we will use your name\n and email address to send the newsletter to you. You may choose to\n stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the\n unsubscribe instructions included in those emails or by contacting\n us using a method described in Section 11.\n \n \n If you have left comments on our Sites, that information may be\n read, collected, and used by others who access them. You can remove\n any of your previously submitted information, by availing yourself\n to the delete option or by contacting us using a method described in\n Section 11. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your\n Personal Information. If we are unable to do so, we will let you\n know and why.\n \n \n You have the right to request from us information about the\n existence, use and disclosure of your Personal Information. Unless\n prohibited by law, a small fee of $10.00 CAD will be payable as such\n requests will only be answered by registered post to ensure the\n privacy of the recipient. If you would like a copy of the relevant\n information please write to the Privacy Officer, which should be\n accompanied by the $10.00 fee (if applicable). We will provide you\n with the relevant information within thirty (30) days of receipt of\n the fee or otherwise as required by law.\n \n \n \n \n \n 11. Contact us\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n To contact us about privacy concerns:{' '}\n \n privacy@wisepublishing.com\n \n .\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n If you have any queries about our processing or use of your Personal\n Information or wish to modify or correct or delete your Personal\n Information, you should write, in the first instance to our Privacy\n Officer, Nic Skitt.\n \n \n \n privacy@wisepublishing.com\n \n \n \n 40 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 203, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 3A2\n \n \n \n \n \n 12. Privacy Commissioner of Canada\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n To contact the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:{' '}\n \n http://www.priv.gc.ca/index_e.asp\n \n .\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n If you want to learn more about your rights regarding your Personal\n Information, you should contact the Office of the Privacy\n Commissioner of Canada at 1-800-282-1376 or visit their website at{' '}\n \n http://www.priv.gc.ca/index_e.asp\n \n .\n \n \n \n
    \n);\n\nexport default PrivacyPolicy;\n","import styled from 'styled-components';\nimport tw from 'tailwind.macro';\nimport { math } from 'polished';\n\nimport { theme } from '../../tailwind.config.js';\n\nexport const LgTitle = styled.h1`\n ${tw`font-serif mb-48 text-xl md:text-2xl text-purple-200`};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('36/32')};\n`;\n\nexport const BaseTitle = styled.h2`\n ${tw`font-serif mb-14 text-2xl md:text-3xl text-purple-300`};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('56/44')};\n`;\n\nexport const SmTitle = styled.h3`\n ${tw`font-bold font-serif mb-48 md:mb-64 text-lg uppercase`};\n ${props => (props.dark ? tw`text-purple-200` : tw`text-grey`)}\n ${props => (props.hideMobile ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0 md:mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6 md:mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8 md:mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12 md:mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14 md:mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16 md:mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24 md:mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32 md:mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48 md:mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64 md:mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144 md:mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('24/19')};\n \n @media (min-width: ${theme.screens.md}) {\n ${tw`block`};\n ${props => (props.hideDesktop ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n }\n`;\n\nexport const SmTitleLeadership = styled.h3`\n ${tw`font-bold font-serif mb-48 md:mb-64 text-lg uppercase`};\n ${props => (props.dark ? tw`text-purple-200` : tw`text-grey`)}\n ${props => (props.hideMobile ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0 md:mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6 md:mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8 md:mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12 md:mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14 md:mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16 md:mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24 md:mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32 md:mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48 md:mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64 md:mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144 md:mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('24/19')};\n text-align: center;\n \n @media (min-width: ${theme.screens.md}) {\n ${tw`block`};\n ${props => (props.hideDesktop ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n }\n`;\n\nexport const XsTitle = styled.h4`\n ${tw`font-bold font-serif mb-32 pt-6 text-sm text-purple-200 uppercase`};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: 1;\n`;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}