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(props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14 md:mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16 md:mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24 md:mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32 md:mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48 md:mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64 md:mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144 md:mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('24/19')};\n \n @media (min-width: ${theme.screens.md}) {\n ${tw`block`};\n ${props => (props.hideDesktop ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n }\n`;\n\nexport const SmTitleLeadership = styled.h3`\n ${tw`font-bold font-serif mb-48 md:mb-64 text-lg uppercase`};\n ${props => (props.dark ? tw`text-purple-200` : tw`text-grey`)}\n ${props => (props.hideMobile ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0 md:mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6 md:mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8 md:mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12 md:mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14 md:mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16 md:mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24 md:mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32 md:mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48 md:mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64 md:mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144 md:mb-144`)}\n line-height: ${math('24/19')};\n text-align: center;\n \n @media (min-width: ${theme.screens.md}) {\n ${tw`block`};\n ${props => (props.hideDesktop ? tw`hidden` : tw``)};\n }\n`;\n\nexport const XsTitle = styled.h4`\n ${tw`font-bold font-serif mb-32 pt-6 text-sm text-purple-200 uppercase`};\n ${props =>\n (props.marginBottom === '0' && tw`mb-0`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '6' && tw`mb-6`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '8' && tw`mb-8`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '12' && tw`mb-12`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '14' && tw`mb-14`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '16' && tw`mb-16`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '24' && tw`mb-24`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '32' && tw`mb-32`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '48' && tw`mb-48`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '64' && tw`mb-64`) ||\n (props.marginBottom === '144' && tw`mb-144`)}\n line-height: 1;\n`;\n","import React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\n\nimport Layout from '../components/Layout';\nimport SEO from '../components/Seo';\nimport { Column, Container, Row } from '../elements/Grid';\nimport { BaseTitle, LgTitle, SmTitle } from '../elements/Titles';\nimport { BaseParagraph, XsParagraph } from '../elements/Paragraphs';\nimport { UnorderedList } from '../elements/Lists';\n\nconst TermsOfUse = () => (\n \n \n \n \n \n Terms of Use\n \n The quick reference is provided as a readers' aid — the full policy\n governs if there is any inconsistency.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n \n \n \n 1. Effective Date\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n Your use of this Site after May 24, 2023 is governed by these\n terms.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n This policy takes effect on May 24, 2023.\n \n \n \n \n \n 2. Introduction\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n These are the terms of use for this Site.\n \n \n By using this Site you are deemed to agree with these terms. It will\n change from time to time, so keep an eye on this page. We include\n the revision date on the header on the main page for your easy\n reference.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Welcome to the digital properties of Wise Publishing, Inc., which\n include the Internet sites and software applications that you access\n or download to view Content of Wise Publishing, Inc. (collectively\n \"Sites\" or each a \"Site\"). You agree to be bound by the following\n terms and conditions of use (\"Terms of Use\"), together with our\n Privacy Policy and other policies on the Site.\n \n \n Your use of the Site constitutes your agreement to these Terms of\n Use. If you disagree with any part of these Terms of Use, please do\n not use the Site. Wise Publishing, Inc., in its sole discretion and\n without notice to you, reserves the right to make changes to the\n Site and these Terms of Use from time to time.\n \n \n If we make any material changes, we will take reasonable steps to\n notify you. You may wish to check this section from time to time,\n because by visiting the Site, you agree to accept any such changes.\n \n \n \n \n \n 3. Definitions\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n The definitions are here. If a term doesn't make sense, look here.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n The following words and expressions have the following meanings\n unless inconsistent with the context:\n \n \n \"Commercial Gain\"\n \n \n includes, without limitation, any use of this Site which may result\n in revenue generation or personal gain, including advertising,\n selling goods to a third party and copying, reproducing,\n distributing, publishing, transferring, transmitting, licensing,\n selling, commercially exploiting or duplicating any element of this\n Site whatsoever;\n \n \n \"Content\"\n \n \n means any media that can be rendered on a web page intended for\n consumption by an end-user, including, but not limited to articles,\n quizzes, polls, surveys, videos, pictures, audio and embeds;\n \n \n \"Personal Information\"\n \n \n means information about an identifiable individual. Personal\n Information includes facts which, when combined with other\n information, can identify an individual;\n \n \n \"Service\"\n \n \n means a product offering on a Wise Publishing, Inc. website;\n \n \n \"we\", \"us\" or \"\n our\"\n \n \n Wise Publishing, Inc., a company duly incorporated under the laws of\n the province of Ontario;\n \n \n \"you\", \"your\"\n \n \n an individual, company or firm accessing our Site.\n \n \n \n \n \n 4. Access\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n If you are under 16, you must get permission to use the Site and in\n any event be older than 13.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n You must be older than 13 years to register as a user or access the\n Site. If you are under 16 please get a parent or guardian's\n permission before making any contribution.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n If you provide permission, you are responsible for the minor's\n activity. And you understand that certain Content may not be\n appropriate.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n If you have authorized a minor to access a Wise Publishing, Inc.\n Site, then you agree to be fully responsible for: (i) controlling\n the minor's access to and use of that Wise Publishing, Inc. Site;\n and (ii) the consequences of any misuse by the minor. You\n acknowledge that some of the areas of a Wise Publishing, Inc. Site\n and some of the Content may include material that is inappropriate\n for minors.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n While we try to provide 24-hour access, it may not always be\n available. If so, we are not liable for any reason.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n While we endeavour to ensure that this Site is normally available\n twenty-four (24) hours a day, we shall not be liable for any reason\n this Site is unavailable at any time or for any period. Access to\n this Site may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the\n case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond\n our control.\n \n \n \n \n \n 5. Privacy\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n Personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy. The link to\n it and our Cookie policies are here.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n We respect the privacy of the users of the Wise Publishing, Inc.\n Sites. Our collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information in\n connection with Wise Publishing, Inc. Sites are governed by the Wise\n Publishing, Inc. Privacy Policy located at{' '}\n \n https://www.wisepublishing.com/privacy-policy/\n \n . See also our Cookie Policy at{' '}\n \n https://www.wisepublishing.com/cookies-policy/\n \n .\n \n \n \n \n \n 6. Links to and from Other Websites\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n If you use a link on this Site to another website, including\n advertisers’ sites, that site’s terms of use and policies govern. We\n are not liable for anything once you are leave site.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Any links to third party websites, including advertiser websites, on\n Wise Publishing, Inc. Sites are independent of Wise Publishing, Inc.\n and are provided solely for your convenience. If you use any links,\n you leave the Wise Publishing, Inc. Site at your risk. We may not\n have reviewed any such third party websites and will not control or\n be responsible for such websites or their Content or availability;\n therefore, we do not endorse or make any representations, warranties\n or conditions about any links provided to third party websites, or\n any material found there, or any results that may be obtained from\n using them.\n \n \n \n \n \n 7. Information Contained on Our Sites\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n We do our best to provide timely and correct information but given\n the nature of the information, it is provided without warranty of\n any kind.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n While we endeavour to ensure that the information on Wise\n Publishing, Inc. Sites is correct we do not warrant the accuracy and\n completeness of the material on our Sites. We may make changes to\n the material on our Sites at any time without notice. There is\n Content that is time sensitive and may not remain current. We make\n no commitment to update such material.\n \n \n The material on Wise Publishing, Inc. Sites is provided 'as is',\n without any conditions, warranties of any kind. Accordingly, to the\n maximum extent permitted by law, we provide you with our Site on the\n basis that we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions\n (including without limitation, the conditions implied by law of\n satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable\n care and skill) which but for this legal notice might have effect in\n relation to our Sites.\n \n \n \n \n \n 8. Subscription Agreement\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n There is a separate agreement for subscribers.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Wise Publishing, Inc. offers an enhanced Service for subscribers.\n Certain Services and Content are available only to Subscribers and are\n provided upon acceptance of the{' '}\n Subscription Agreement and\n these Terms of Use.\n \n \n \n \n \n 9. License, Copyright and Trademarks\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n All information on the Site is subject to copyright.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Wise Publishing, Inc. takes copyright infringement very seriously.\n Here is the link to our{' '}\n Copyright Notice.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n You can use for your own personal use only and not for Commercial\n Gain.\n \n \n You can print and download and share with a friend in certain\n limited ways. They are listed here.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Subject to the requirement that you must not visit or use Wise\n Publishing, Inc. Sites for the purposes of Commercial Gain, you are\n permitted to print and download extracts from this Site for your own\n personal use or send them to a friend on the following basis:\n \n \n
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  • \n
  • \n our copyright trademark notices (or our licensor's) and a\n permission notice appear in all copies.\n
  • \n
    \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n You cannot use for any AI training, reproduction or licensing/sublicensing.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n For avoidance of doubt, You shall not reproduce and/or otherwise use the content\n in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to\n generate text, including without limitation, technologies that are capable of\n generating works in the same style or genre as the content, unless there is express\n permission to do so from Wise Publishing. You shall not sublicense others to\n reproduce and/or otherwise use content in any manner for purposes of training\n artificial intelligence technologies to generate text without specific and\n express permission.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n If you want permission to use for non-personal use, here is who you\n contact.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n Any use of any extracts from Wise Publishing, Inc. Sites other than\n in accordance with the above for any purpose is prohibited. Subject\n to the above, no part of Wise Publishing, Inc. Sites may be\n reproduced or stored in any other website or included in any public\n or private electronic retrieval system or service without our prior\n written permission.\n \n \n For further information or to request permission to republish,\n contact: licensing@wisepublishing.com\n \n \n Any rights not expressly granted in this legal notice are reserved.\n \n \n \n \n \n 10. Usage Restrictions\n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n As stated above, Content is for personal use only and solely the\n property of Wise Publishing, Inc.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n \n You may use our Sites only for lawful, personal and non-commercial\n purposes. You may download or copy the Content displayed on our\n Sites for your personal use only. No right, title or interest in any\n downloaded materials or software is transferred to you as a result\n of any such downloading or copying. Of course, you may encourage\n others to access the information themselves on a Wise Publishing,\n Inc. Site and tell them how to find it.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The quick reference\n \n \n You may not use the Site for anything unlawful, harmful to others,\n targeting vulnerable sectors or sending spam.\n \n \n \n \n The full policy\n \n You may not use our Sites:\n \n
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  • \n
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  • \n
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  • \n
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  • \n
  • \n disclosure of such information to such law enforcement authorities\n as we reasonably feel is necessary.\n
  • \n
    \n \n We exclude liability for actions taken in response to breaches of\n these Terms of Use. The responses described in these Terms of Use\n are not limited, and we may take any other action we reasonably deem\n appropriate.\n \n
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    \n);\n\nexport default TermsOfUse;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}